Sunday, October 23, 2011


Today I helped out at the Veteran's Home  by assisting with bingo. This was my first time at the Home actually working, the other times that I have been there I only had my orientation and training. So, as one could imagine, I was pretty nervous about working for my first time because I generally am not very good at jumping into to new environments or interacting with people that I have never met before. When I first got there, I walked to the volunteer officer, got my badge, and signed it. I then headed up to the auditorium to assist with bingo. There were a plethora of other volunteers there that were very warm and welcoming and helped me fit right in. Every person that I talked to was nice, informative, and helpful. They directed me towards my next tasks and always helped me along the way. I was never left uninformed or completely clueless. This was a great beginning because it definitely allowed me to open up much faster than I normally would have.
Once I opened up fully I could complete my tasks much easier and way smoother. The first task that I undertook was to put the $2 bingo winnings into envelopes. This was not a rigorous task by any means, but it was good because it helped me meet all the other volunteers and become acquainted with them. After this, I bring patients from their rooms to the auditorium for bingo. This task was easy as well, but it allowed me to become acquainted with the types of people that live here and that I am going to be around. It also helped me learn the layout of the rather confusing labyrinth of a building. I met some very outspoken and outgoing people, and I also met some very inward and introverted people. These people sort of upset me because I did not particularly know how to act around them. But over time, I began to feel a lot more comfortable and laid back. Overall, it was a great day for many reasons. The main one being that I opened up more and I now feel a lot more comfortable in the Home and working with the residents.


  1. I'm really glad that after a long and frustrating training process you had a good first day! I still find it endlessly entertaining how much the residents enjoy bingo, but I guess that's an old person thing.

    The talkative residents are so amusing. Many of them will just start talking to you while you walk by and continue as you walk away. I wonder if they just enjoy talking or if it’s caused more by a normal lack of conversation.

    On the subject of the introverted people: I also have had a bit of a hard time with this. It seems quite apparent that there is a mix of naturally quite individuals and those who are angry, depressed, or otherwise mentally disinclined to communicate.

    It seems impossible to tell which they are without asking and impossible to not to frustrate them when asking... From watching the staff interact, my opinion is that we should always talk to the residents, but try too only make the conversation last as long as they want it too.

  2. I think it's good that you're stepping out of your comfort zone, and getting used to a new environment. It can be hard for all of us, but as long as you have the right attitude, it's easier to fit in and get comfortable with people and the place. Being an introvert has it's good and bad sides just like being an extrovert. Introvert can seem unfriendly at first but once you get to know them and they get to know you better as well it becomes easier to communicate and talk without it being awkward. I like analyzing social interactions. They're overrated and often time amusing and hilarious
